Text Hyperlinks - Texas Web Hosting, Web Design Texas, Search Engine Ranking - Compu-Wise

Optimizing Text Hyperlinks

Did you know that text based hyperlinks can help improve your listing in the search engines? The search engines basically figure that if you are linking to something from your page whatever it is you are linking to is likely to be closely related to the content of your page. For that reason some of the engines actually look for keywords in the hyperlinks and any text immediately surrounding the hyperlinks. What this means to you is that if you can you should include your most important keyword phrases in the link itself and possibly the surrounding text.

What it looks like:

A text based hyperlink is a standard HTML hyperlink like this one
Tag tips:

  •        Try to include your most important keyword phrases within the hyperlink itself.

  •        Try to include your most important keyword phrases in the text that immediately preceeds, or follows the the hyperlink.

  •        Becareful not to keyword stuff! Make sure your links and surrounding text are still readable and make sense after you include a keyword phrase or two.

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